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4 Weeks From The IFBB Australian Pro Grand Prix
(13th February '07)

     Just want to keep you guys and gals updated on my prep for my next show, the Australian Pro Grand Prix. My preparation is great so far and I am more than happy to be working with the nutrition guru from the middle East, Ali Amini for the past 8 weeks. We are currently ?way through before the show on 10th March in Melbourne. Working with Ali has helped me a whole lot in my quest of becoming one of the best pro bodybuilders in the world. He knows what he is doing and I am learning a lot from him especially in supplement cycles and nutrition.
     The photos were taken 4 weeks out and I am feeling great physically and mentally, full of energy, and definitely on the right track in presenting my best package yet in Melbourne!! Current bodyweight is around 105kg (230lbs). In Melbourne, I will come in BIGGER with my usual good condition and even more symmetrical and balanced than ever.
      Training and dieting in extreme weather like in Malaysia is no joke. The average daytime temp is around 95F/36C with 100% relative humidity makes me tired and exhausted very fast especially during training. But I have strong will power and will fight till the end to earn a place in the Big O (Mr.Olympia) in the near future. I know I am good enough to be standing on stage competing with the best in the universe! It’s only a matter of time.
      Do check out www.bodybuilding.com (the biggest bodybuiding site in the world). Very soon they will do 3 series of articles covering my prep for the Australian Pro. In the meantime I will also be updating you with my newest photos leading up to Melbourne. It’s 27 days and counting!!! God bless and CHEERS!



Wong Hong

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