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My Amazing Transformation In 6 Months (16th April '06)
I want to share with you guys and gals about my amazing physique transformation. The pictures showed how I transformed my physique from a soft 230 lbs to a lean and conditioned 240lbs in a mere 6 months! The left photo was taken in Toronto in March last year when I was at my all time worst condition! The right photo was taken in September in Malaysia at my fitness center. With proper training, diet , and sensible supplementation, I was able to gain 10 lbs of lean muscle and my bodyfat dropped from 19% to 10% !! I am feeling great and my self esteem has improved tremendously with my new transformed physique. I hope this serve as an inspiration to all of you to get yourselves to the gym and start pumping some weights! Make sure you are guided by a qualified trainer/ instructor though to help you reach your fitness goals. Good luck and believe in yourself!
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