Wong with Egonutritions at Health and Fitness Fair
(17th April 2010)
I was with my sponsor Egonutritions at a Health and Fitness Fair held here in Kuala Lumpur recently. The fair attracted many fitness buffs and I was there to sign autographs and take photos with my fans. The turn out was fantastic. This showed that the fitness and bodybuilding industry is being accepted by the general public in Malaysia.
I was looking pretty buffed up 5 weeks after the Oz Pro. Gained about 11kg (24 lbs) since the Oz Pro and I am still pretty lean. Current bodyweight is around 111kg (245lbs). This is the best rebound effect i have ever experienced as a competitor since 1989!! After the Oz Pro I continued to train hard and eating good foods (higher calories but clean foods) may have contributed to how I look now.
I will pass the New York Pro as I think I still need more size to play with the big boys in the IFBB pro. That means I have 5 solid months to do that before the Mr. Europe Pro in September. 3 weeks after that I will head to Qatar for the Physique Weekend and my last show of the year will be the New Zealand Pro in October. I will try my best to get an Olympia berth before the year ends! I know that if i come in a little bigger and even more refined than my last outing, I can crack top 3 and qualify for the Big O at any of these 3 shows. Stay tuned for my prep!!